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Tracer Study of the Public – Private Partnership Pilot Project

FDM was contracted by British Council to conduct a Tracer Study of the Public- Private Partnership Pilot Project under the Dakchyata project. The Tracer Study was designed to assess the immediate and longer-term value and contribution of the PPP model to the employability of its graduates as well as the prospect of developing self-employment opportunities across ten pilot organizations. The tracer study was envisaging to contribute to program reform initiatives (curricular, training approach, facilities, trainers, lab equipment, practice opportunities, skills testing, evaluation, and certification) for the desired improvement in the quality and relevance of existing TVET program or for designing and offering new skills programs. Hence, tracing the status of graduates and effectiveness of PPP model was the major aim of the assignment. For this, FDM in partnership with Alliance Nepal conducted pilot study adopting mixed method of data collection.

Donor: British Council

Districts: Illam, Jhapa, Dhanusha, Sarlahi, Kathmandu, Pokhara, Rupandehi, Bardiya, Kailali, Kanchanpur

Quantitative Sample: 566 Graduates

Qualitative Sample: 66 KIIs, 3 Case studies and 18 IDIs – 87

Duration: Jun – Sep 2022

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