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Survey of PAANI Communication Activities Project

FDM has been conducting a survey of communication activities of PAANI project funded by USAID and being implemented by DAI Global LLC (DAI). The objective of the project is to enrich Nepal’s ability to manage water resources for multiple uses and users through climate change adaptation and the conservation of freshwater biodiversity. Through its communications and advocacy efforts, PAANI aims to inform and provide communities with the knowledge to inspire, lead and implement positive changes to manage freshwater resources; develop innovative learning and knowledge sharing mechanisms to contribute to larger learning and sharing environment on freshwater in Nepal; disseminate PAANI supported research to Government of Nepal (GON), academic institutions, civil society organizations, and the private sector in multi‐media formats that serve to fill information gaps in knowledge on freshwater. FDM is conducting both qualitative and quantitative survey of the communication activities to understand the reach, engagement, and effectiveness of activities conducted thus far.

Study area: Kanchanpur, Dang, Bajhang, Dailekh

Sample: 400

Tools: Questionnaire, KIIs, FGDs, Immersion, Case stories and observation.

Duration: 2019 – 2020

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