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Rapid Assessment of English and Digital Skills for Girls Education (EDGE) Club

FDM recently conducted the Rapid Assessment of English and Digital Skills for Girls Education (EDGE) – a key component of the Sisters for SIsters II (SfS II) Education Project. The EDGE component aims to improve the life prospects of adolescent girls in socio-economically marginalized communities by enhancing participants’ English proficiency, digital skills and social / life skills. The objective of the rapid assessment was to generate data to inform how well the EDGE clubs have been running and what sort of contextual adaptions had been made to the clubs following one year of operation.

Tool: Qualitative (FGD, KII) and Observation

District: Surkhet and Dhading

Respondents: EDGE club members, Drop out girls, Teachers, Head Teacher

Duration: 15 Feb – 30 March

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