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Open Data Landscape Study- Phase 1 and 2

Contracted by The Asia Foundation Data for Development, FDM carried out the open data landscape study in eleven municipalities across seven provinces in 2018. The study assessed the open data scenario across knowledge, attitude, practice, and capacity among local government, civil society organizations (CSOs), private sector, media, and citizens. A qualitative method was adopted for the study whereby KIIs and FGDs were administered to the aforementioned stakeholders. Based on the findings, FDM developed a report and visually represented eleven municipalities through infographics. In 2019, the contract was further extended to disseminate the findings from the first phase to those municipalities. The central idea of the dissemination workshops was to help the locals understand data and information context in their municipalities while also validating the findings generated.


The Asia Foundation

Study area:

Damak, Belbari, Dhankuta, Kalaiya, Bhimeswor, Waling, Tansen, Ghorahi, Birendranagar, Tikapur, Amargadhi


Study method:

FGDs, KIIs and immersion in Phase 1 and dissemination workshops in Phase 2



Mar - Aug 2018 [Phase 1] and Jan -April 2019 [Phase 2]



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