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Endline evaluation of Advocating for Consolidation of Equality and Non-discrimination for Sustainable Peace (ENDS) Action in Nepal project

FDM currently conducted the endline evaluation of Advocating for Consolidation of Equality and Non-discrimination for Sustainable Peace (ENDS) Action in Nepal project. The project has the objective of enhancing access of target families to income (livelihood) opportunities and resources, and their children get increased support for education as well as increasing participation of Dalits (women and men to services and decision- making institutions at local level (e.g. CBOS, user’s groups, ward offices, etc.). For the endline evaluation, FDM is applying a mixed method approach. The objective of the endline evaluation was to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, coherence, gender and disability considerations and core humanitarian standard commitments in relation to the project.

Donor: Finn Church Aid (FCA)

Study area: Dhanusa and Mahottari

Tools used: Survey, IDI, KII, FGD and Immersion

Sample: 12 FGDs and 11 KIIs | 270 community members

Duration: Jun 2021 – Jan 2022

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