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A Study on the Decision Making Process and Fund Flow Management During COVID-19

FDM was contracted to undertake a study on the decision making process and the fund flow mechanisms in and with the three tiers of government and various bodies formulated in the context of COVID-19 with the overall objective of assessing the decision making structure and the fund flow mechanism among the three tiers of the governments for public expenditure and the basis on which the funds are provided to the provincial and local levels in the present pandemic context. FDM conducted research on decision making process along with the channels and decision makers in the various levels of the government associated with structural differences at the federal, provincial and local level as well as actors related to the government’s COVID-19 response management. For which FDM used qualitative method of data collection.

Donor: IDEA

Study Area: Kailali, Kanchanpur and Doti

Study tools: KIIs

Duration: October 2020 – May 2021

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